I decided to do a blog to put ideas about games, crafts, and other activities out there to help you all get fun ideas to do with your little ones. If you're in need of something to do read my posts and post comments to let me know if you had fun with the activity. Thank all of you for reading my blog!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Kid's Top 5

  • CAPTURE THE FLAG-the kids love it when we play capture the flag. It's a great game and it's easy to plan and set up. All you need to do is get 2 objects to use as flags, divide the land in half (as best you can), divide the kids into two teams, and have each team take a turn hiding their flag (if there aren't any places to hide the flags place each flag at the far end of each half). The first team to capture the other teams flag wins. 
  • Water Bucket Game-this is another game the kids enjoy. You'll need two large beckets filled with water, two small buckets filled with water, two cups, and two teams. Put the two large buckets on one end of the yard and the two small buckets on the opposite of the yard. Give the first person in line on each team one of the cups. On your "go" have them fill the cup with water from the large bucket, race down, dump it in the small bucket on the opposite side, then bring the cup to the next person in line. Continue this cycle until one of the teams small bucket is full or they run out of water (whichever comes first). Whichever team's smaller bucket has the most water in it wins.
  •    Races-The kids have a blast when we do races or obstacle courses. When you're doing races you can have them all race at once, you could split them into teams and do relay races, or you could have kids that are all close to each other in age race. 
  • Obstacle Courses-Here are some ideas for obstacles in you're obstacle courses.
            • Have them weave in and out of cones
            • Have them run around a tree
            • Have them do a certain number of jumps on a trampoline
            • Have them run to the top of hill and back
            • Have them go down the slide
            • Have them shoot a certain number of baskets
            • Have them kick a soccer ball in the goal
            • Have them ride their bikes for a certain distance 
  • Scavenger Hunts-the kids also like scavenger hunts. There are a couple different ways to do a scavenger hunt. You could have them look individually, in pairs or team, or as one big group. You could hide the objects yourself or you could just have them find stuff in nature. Such as, a piece of gravel, a stick, a big rock, a leaf, a pine needle, a flower, etc.
  • More Activity Ideas Coming Soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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