I decided to do a blog to put ideas about games, crafts, and other activities out there to help you all get fun ideas to do with your little ones. If you're in need of something to do read my posts and post comments to let me know if you had fun with the activity. Thank all of you for reading my blog!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Dream Beach Craft

Here's a cool, simple, and not messy art project to do with you're kids. Dream Beach.
  1. a bunch of sheets of plain white paper 
  2. Crayons or colored pencils
  3.  Scissors 
  4. Glue
  5. Colored paper (optional)
  1. Give each kid a couple of pieces of plain white paper. And a couple pieces of colored paper (optional)
  2. Have them each make a detailed background of a beach with their crayons and/or colored pencils on one of their white pieces of paper.
  3. On the rest of their paper they can make things that they can cut out and glue onto their paper like a surfer, a fish, a dolphin, etc.
Idea: If you don't want to do a beach theme you could think of another one like a rainforest or have them come up with one on their own.

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