I decided to do a blog to put ideas about games, crafts, and other activities out there to help you all get fun ideas to do with your little ones. If you're in need of something to do read my posts and post comments to let me know if you had fun with the activity. Thank all of you for reading my blog!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Gobble! Gobble! Gobble! It's time for some Thanksgiving fun. Here are some fun craft ideas....

The Classic Turkey Hand (I know you all have done this one at one point but let me remind you anyway)

  1. Trace your hand onto a piece 
  2. Color it in so that your thumb is the head and your pinkie, index, pointer, and middle finger are the feathers the rest of the hand should be brown.
  3. Don't forget to add the red stuff on the chin of you're turkey (Not sure what it's called). 
  4. Color a fall background. Sun, clouds, falling leaves, grass, football, etc.
Leaf strings:

  1. draw, cut, and trace leaves onto colored construction paper, red, orange,yellow
  2. Punch one hole into the top of each leaf 
  3. Cut some string and thread it through all the leaves, tie at both ends
  4. Hang it in a doorway or over a large window
Customized Football: 
  1. What would you're dream football look like? Pink with sparkles, neon rainbow, feathered, polka dotted, plaid, striped, or just regular. 
  2. Draw a football on a piece of paper 
  3. use all sorts of craft supplies, such as cotton balls, sparkles, feathers, Crayola Washable Markers, Crayola Crayons, Crayola colored pencils, etc. to customize your football. 

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