I decided to do a blog to put ideas about games, crafts, and other activities out there to help you all get fun ideas to do with your little ones. If you're in need of something to do read my posts and post comments to let me know if you had fun with the activity. Thank all of you for reading my blog!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Time, time, precious time

Okay so again I struggled to find a time for day camp that works for everyone. Therefore, I haven't had day camp for nearly two months! Next week I will try as hard as I possibly can to make it work out. I apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you for your patience. Here's an idea you can use until I have day camp again. Make a list of things you can find in your outdoor environment, like things in your yard, neighborhood, or any other outdoor area. Give the kids a copy of the list and have them search for every item until they've found all of them. You can also turn it into a competition by giving each kid a copy of the list and have the kids race against each other to see who can find all the items first.

Item Ideas

  • big pinecone 
  • piece of gravel
  • maple tree leaf
  • twig
  • log
  • chunk of moss
  • mushroom
  • unique flower
  • big rock
  • worm
  • frog
  • etc
* If you do have living organisms, such as fungi, animals, or plants, make sure to leave fungi alone, release animals back into their habitat, and leave living plants in their place. This is just so we can protect the environment. 

If you want to try another version of the scavenger hunt, you can hide things (cones, buckets, shovels, toys, etc) around your yard and have the kids find those instead.  


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Lack of posts :(

I apologize to everyone for my lack of posts over the past month or so. I got really busy and just didn't have much time to host day camp or come up with activities. But don't worry. I plan to start day camp up again tomorrow or if that ends up not working out, then sometime next week. This means I'll have new ideas for you all really soon :) Thank you for reading and keep checking back for some fun, new activities!